Berger, Carl Ludwig Heinrich 18.apr.1777-16.feb.1839 Germany, Berlin - Berlin
pianist, 1801 he moved to Dresden to take music lessons from Johann Gottlieb Naumann but found him no longer living (Naumann died 23.oct.1801)

Title Parts

[] Piano concerto in C
[] Trauerkantate auf Naumann's tod. Dresden 28jan1802
composed in memory of Johann Gottlieb Naumann and performed at the Dilettanten-Konzerte in Dresden 28jan1802

[] Die schone mullerin. 10 Song cycle. Voice and piano. 1818. op11 [] 1 - Des mullers wanderlied
[] 10 - Des baches lied
Mark Padmore t, Ann Murray m, Graham Johnson. Hyperion 33051
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