Bach, Johann Nicolaus II of II 10.oct.1669-4.nov.1753 Germany, Eisenach - Jena
organist, 1694 of the Michaeliskirche in Jena ; son of Johann Christoph I

Title Parts

Missa brevis "Allein Gott in der hoh sei ehr". 1716
composed by Johann Ludwig Bach, erroneously attributed to Johann Nicolaus Bach and to Johann Sebastian Bach (BWV Anh. III 166)
Uta Spreckelsen s, Erika Schmidt-Valentin a, Aldo Baldin t, Niklaus Tuller b, Stuttgart Gachinger Kantorei, Stuttgart Bach Collegium / Helmuth Rilling. Hanssler 98970

[] Nun freut euch lieben Christen gmein. Choral vorspiel. Organ
2000-10-28 22:36:40